Sunday, January 16, 2011

Introduction: Self Portrait and Statement

Caitlyn Short here.  I'm a 22 year old student majoring in the BLS program and living in Asheville, NC.  My concerns about the direction and emphasis in popular culture are plentiful and fairly standard!

The degradation of quality of T.V. shows, of course there are many that have merit but the abundance and attention that reality shows get is incredible.

As an avid gamer one of the concerns that is ever-present is the lack of responsibility that is placed on the individual for their actions.  Video games are one of the focuses of the media and therefore our culture, it is a huge story if there is a connection between violence and an individual who played video games. In general, the blaming of media for people's action sometimes goes too far, in my opinion. We allow ourselves to be influenced by what we consume. . and we choose to consume it! An individual doesn't commit and act of violence because they saw a movie or played a game with violence.  It may be part of the equation but there was something wrong in the first place. However, I do think violence should be portrayed for a reason and with responsibility and not just to shock audiences. 

Popular culture in general is an interesting thing.  Its cool to be in the know. . but its cool to be the first when it isn't cool.  Popular culture is virtually unavoidable!  I'm generally not as mainstream as many yet I can't help but hear about what everyone else is listening to, watching, etc.  I wouldn't consider popular culture a bad or evil thing but certainly it has its faults.  The focus on popular culture seems to have its roots in people's need to be "in the know" and part of the crowd.  I don't think anyone in our culture is fully immune to it.

One of my many favorite sites is

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